Saturday, November 15, 2008

Clinton as SoS?

It seems as if the big news of the moment is that Hilary Clinton has been offered the position of Secretary of State in Barack Obama's cabinet, a position she is supposedly strongly considering. While I believe Clinton would be a fine SoS and have no questions about her abilities to do the job, my questions lie in the category of "How does this affect her political future?". As SoS, the experience she would pick up in the next 4 (or 8) years would be invaluable, making her as educated and prepared a candidate in 2016 as anyone in recent memory. Even in this year's election, many people found Hilary to be a strong candidate based on her stance on the issues. The years as a first lady obviously helped that and her work in Congress has been excellent prep as well. Throw SoS into that mix and you might have the startings of a very strong candidate in 2016. It might be wishful thinking on my part but if the grand ol' USA could follow up its first African American president with its first Woman President, it could establish the country as not a backwards thinking, socially conservative country but rather a visionary and progressive nation ready to lead the world in the 21st century.

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